Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Mullet

Well, I was Skyping with my mom and she continued to tell me, "You need to blog, you need to blog." And my mom also once told me to, "Listen to your mother."  So I suppose I should definitely be better at blogging.  It is difficult sometimes to prioritize either sleeping or blogging when putting off homework.  Sometimes I do not feel in a writing "mood" but if I let that stop me, then I may never blog.  So anyways, I have been here in Bilbao for about a month now and so I have begun to notice many different things about the people and the way things are.  Of course these are just a personal observation and may not be anything exciting, but for a small town girl some of the things are quite entertaining.  One of the most apparent things I have noticed while here is teenage/college boys and their hair styles: Two words are key here when describing the hair styles of Spanish/Basque boys around here, mullet and rat tail, okay I lied three words, also important, dread lock.  Yes, it seems like all of the worst hair trends experienced in the United States have become very popular here.  First, the mullet.  I have seen it on more than several occasions here, mostly at the university or when walking around shopping.  It seems very surprising to see it so often here.  Then the rat tail, is actually a sign of rebellion and independence in this area, so it is a popular accessory around here.  This is where the dread locks come in as well.  The rat tail, is usually one long, thick, unwashed dread lock, that hangs down from their either short, or mulleted hair cut.  It is quite a sight.  These actually seem normal compared to the half shaved heads in the front and full pony tail in the back.  Or then there is the shaved head in the front and a cluster or spike-like dreads sticking out from the back.  Let's just say there have been several occasions where I walk by someone, and have a double take.  It is always important to know who is business in the front and party in the back.     

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