Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Basque Language: Euskera

Before arriving in Bilbao, I knew that the Basque country of Spain was unique.  A culture of people who are proud of their unique qualities and characteristics found only in the Basque country.  One vital part of this culture is the Basque language.  Before I got here, I thought oh sure, it's just a different dialect or a couple words are different, like pop or soda, dinner or supper.  Boy, was I wrong.  Turns out Basque is completely different and has no connections to any other European languages.  The good news is, everyone here speaks Spanish, and the signs are written in both Spanish and Basque, but let me just give you a few examples of just how complicated it would ever be to learn Basque, or EUSKERA (ay-oo-scare-uh).  Now it is not easy to remember any Basque words, but one that will always come in handy is AUPA (oh-pa).  This is a common salutation or just can be said anytime.  It is kinda like saying "Cheers" or "Blessings."  Either way, it means good things.  I have also been able to remember how to say hello, CAIXO (kai-show), and the word for bathrooms, KOMUNAK (coe-moo-knock).  Usually, you don't ever need to speak Basque, but it is so interesting to see the words.  Euskera is definitely not similar to Spanish in any way. For example, Buenos días in Spanish, Good morning in English, or EGUNON in Euskera.  Buenos tardes in Spanish, Good afternoon in English, or ARRATSALDE ON in Basque. I go to the Universidad de Deusto, also known as DEUSTOUKO UNIBERSITATEA.  If you are lost and want to know, where is it?, ¿Dónde está?, or NON DAGO? You might need to remember which street, calle, or KALEA, you are on.  If someone tells you BAI, they mean yes, Sí, not bye.  Or EZ is no.  Instead of saying thanks, Gracías, you can say, ESKEMK ASKO or MILA ESKER.  But don't forget to say please, por favor, and MESEDEZ.  If it's someone's birthday, be sure to wish them Felíz cumpleaños, or ZORIONAK.  And if all of this becomes too complicated, just tell them AGUR, Adíos, and goodbye!! 

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